
Negotiator's Quiz - Would You Say These Statements Are Right or Wrong?

Take the quiz by answering these seven questions about how to best negotiate. 1. It's best not to connect with the other party before a negotiation, because it will make it harder for you to be strong and forceful in the negotiation and they may try to use the relationship to manipulate you. –Right –Wrong Wrong. The best prepared negotiators are most likely to be successful, and an essential part of this preparation is understanding the other party. You will never be able to reach a successful, sustainable agreement unless it meets the other side's interests, satisfies their stakeholders and fits their system.  The more you can learn about these, the better your chance of designing an offer which has the maximum perceived value to them. You need a strong relationship based on mutual respect that will allow you to be assertive without aggression and respond appropriately to any attempts at manipulation and if you can start building this relationship before you get to the nego